Profilowanie kryminalne i lingwistyka kryminalistyczna jako multidyscyplinarne metody typowania sprawców przestępstw
Monika Wasiak
Akademia Humanistyczna w Pułtusku
[accordion title=”ABSTRACT”]Forensic profiling is an inference of characteristic of criminals on the basis of the traces of their crime observed on the place of the crime. The central context of definition of forensic profiling is an inference based on the evidences collected in the course of the proceedings. The fundamental importance in forensic profiling of unknown perpetrators of crimes have inspections of the place of the crime and the examination of human remains. During the inspection of the place of the crime – the behavior of the perpetrator is revealed. We can also see the perpetrators action course and his behavior. Inspection of the place of the crime shows us also the types of evidences which the perpetractor left and the manners of their creation. The most important and the stated objective of forensic profiling and forensic linguistics is the investigation of the main features of the unknown offender (perpetrator). Profiler is a person who is involved into traces of the crime, their origin. Profiler uses the knowledge from different fields of science. He cooperates with many specialists, the ultimate and the final goal of the profiler is linking the essential elements of knowledge of the man indicting the person that can be characterized in a certain way. This person can be described in so specifically defined features. Work of profiler is also based on the relationships with many people involved in solution of the riddle in order to detect the perpetrator and solution of affair.[/accordion]
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forensic profiling, profiler, forensic linguistics, psychological
portrait of the perpetrator of the crime
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