Možnosti prípravy členov dobrovoľných hasičských zborov

Jozef Turac
Akadémia ozbrojených síl gen. M. R. Štefánika


[accordion title=”ABSTRACT”]Voluntary fire protection in Slovakia currently records development in organizational, financial, professional and legislative terms. The intervention of these fire brigades, the willingness to help others with self-esteem, and the will to learn, is a positive response and interest in their activities among the Fire and Rescue Corps, as well as in the professional and laic public. However, there are still gaps, inconsistencies and inadequate legislative basis for this issue in the field of training of members of voluntary fire brigades. These are the inconsistencies between the content of the basic and the improvement of the training of the members of the fire-fighting units, the area of safety and health at work is no longer reworked within the specialized and cyclical training of members and employees.[/accordion]
[accordion title=”ARTICLE INFO”]
fire brigades, volunteer fire department municipalities, training
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[accordion title=”DOI”] 10.24356/SEL/18/6 [/accordion]