Życie ludzkie jako przedmiot ochrony przepisów prawa ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem momentu objęcia ochroną

Katarzyna Borkowska
Wydział Prawa Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku

[accordion title=”ABSTRACT”]Human life has the highest possible value and is particular interest to various branches of law. It allows the unit to use other civil rights and civic freedom. In this article authoress analyses the level of the protection of human life through the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and regulations of the international law with emphasis on the issue of the beginning of the legal protection of human life. In order to thoroughly analyse the legal regulations the authoress uses numerous examples of the case-law. The research purpose of the article is to show the complexity of the problem of the beginning of the legal protection of human life and the lack of the conclusive verdict of the supranational jurisdictional bodies in this matter.[/accordion]
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human life, constitution, protection of law, human rights
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[accordion title=”DOI”] 10.24356/SEL/18/2 [/accordion]