Organizacja oraz zadania organów zwalczających i przeciwdziałających przestępczości transgranicznej w Polsce
Tomasz Gorzkowicz
The aim of the study was to identify and analyse the organisation and tasks of the authorities fighting and counteracting cross-border crime in Poland. The work consists of an introduction, three theoretical chapters and a conclusion. In the first chapter the theoretical approach to cross-border crime in the light of the literature on the subject was presented. The second chapter relates to the methodology of own research. It also indicates the role of entities combating and counteracting cross-border crime in the security structure of the country. The third chapter contains the content concerning the meaning and priorities of the authorities responsible for cross-border security in Poland.
Books, articles from scientific journals and legal acts referring to the essence of cross-border security, as well as the role of entities fighting and counteracting organised international crime were used to prepare individual parts of the theoretical chapters. In the research presented in this paper, the method of critical text analysis was used.
cross-border crime, danger, security, protection
DOI 10.53161/SEL/30/3