Współczesne sytuacje kryzysowe – wyzwania edukacyjne

Mariusz Żebrowski
Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa we Wrocławiu

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The article presents the threats and consequences arising from the emergence of a crisis situation in the face of terrorist attacks and the operation of natural forces. In such situations, the safety of every person is endangered, because the explosive explosion buried by terrorists or violent hurricanes, floods and other natural disasters is often impossible to prevent, let alone predict. The content of the article specifically highlights the tasks facing the education and higher education system and points out some practical solutions that can contribute to limiting tragic consequences. In addition to the content taught by the conventional method, the proposed solution would be to introduce practical classes in evacuation of students in primary and secondary education to the curricula.

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Terrorism, crisis situations, education for security
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[accordion title=”DOI”] 10.24356/SEL/19/5 [/accordion]