Reviewing procedure

Articles submitted to Security, Economy and Law (for details on how to make a submission, see Instructions for Authors) undergo the following reviewing process:

Step 1: Editorial assessment

The Editorial Team verify whether the manuscript meets formal requirements and makes the initial assessment of whether the topic matches the journal’s profile.

Step 2: Double-blind peer review

After the article is accepted in Step 1, the Editorial Team delete author’s data from the manuscript article for the sake of anonymity and forwards it to two members of the Board of Reviewers – experts in the fields in which the article belongs – for peer review, carried out by filling in a Reviewing Form. The reviewers must not be affiliated in the author’s institution. In the reviewing procedure for Security, Economy and Law, double-blind review standard is applied: the author and the reviewers do not know each other’s identity and the list of particular articles’ reviewers is never published.

Step 3: Acceptance, rejection or counselling

After reviewers submit their recommendations on the forms, an assessment is made whether to accept the article: two positive reviews mean acceptance and two negative ones – rejection. When one positive and one negative review is submitted, the manuscript is sent to the third reviewer. In particularly difficult cases, e.g. when two very contradictory reviews are submitted, a competent member of the Editorial Board is consulted for expert advice.

Step 4: Final editorial works

Accepted manuscripts are then worked on by the Editorial Team, in cooperation with the Authors, so that their final form is of sufficient quality. In case the terminology or form of the work is so specialist that certain editorial works go beyond the competences of Technical Editors, a proper subject editor is contacted, competent in the field in which the article belongs.