Prawne aspekty walki z terroryzmem

Krystian Bartosz
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi

[accordion title=”ABSTRACT”]In this article author discusses issues connected with legal aspects of fighting against international terrorism. First section includes the discussion concerning steps taken by the European Union that is treaty resolutions, institutions and strategies which are components of a general notion of anti-terrorist system. Author indicates the most significant treaty regulations and institutions, furthermore their development and influence on the EU system of fighting against terrorism. In the following section the author aims to present activities proposed by the United Nations. 19 of the most important conventions and protocols accepted by the United Nations in order to eliminate terrorism threat are discussed. Author also describes the most important units created in terms of resolution, functioning for the purpose of fighting and preventing terroristic attacks. The very last section aims to illustrate Polish penal legal system in confrontation with terrorism. Author marks and specifies the most crucial aspects of Polish penal legal system which is one of the components of national anti-terrorist system.[/accordion]
[accordion title=”ARTICLE INFO”]
terrorism, law, safety, international
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[accordion title=”DOI”] 10.24356/SEL/18/1 [/accordion]