Trudności w realizacji prawa do pokoju w Afryce i na Bliskim Wschodzie
Ewa Muc
[accordion title=”ABSTRACT”]
1. Objective
The precedent purpose of this article will indicate interconnection between the third generation of human rights (which is mainly right to peace) and the first and second generations of the human rights. The supporting aim of the article will focus on paying attention to the difficulties which are met during the implementation of the right to peace as well as consequences appearing when this right is not honoured, when the liberty and equality rights are not observed. Moreover the article will report problems and tragedy of African and Middle East nations who are afflicted by military conflicts to demonstrate that right to peace naturally applies to all Earth residents. Therefore for its full and appropriate implementation there will be needed common and deliberate action of international community.
2. Introduction
The human rights of the third generation, which particularly is the right to peace, is primarily determined by the respect for the human rights of the first and second generation, it means the liberty and equality rights. On the basis of feedback it should be assumed that only the fullest guarantee, implementing and enforcement of the first and second human rights will allow to accomplish the right to peace properly. It should be all the same stated that the human rights of the first, second and third generation ought to be implemented carefully, it means not only on the general high basis of international law system but also accordingly inculcate them into the law systems of the particular countries, into their law structures together with the executive law so they could be available and might be efficiently executed by every citizen. It must be also stated that this process of the right to peace fulfilment as well as simultaneous fight with coexisting problems ought to be accepted by the worldwide community and comes together with the respect for the modern relationships prevailing among the nations, the level of observing human rights, political and economical situation in various world’s parts, and naturally taking in the consideration religious, cultural, traditional differences as well as customs and habits.
3. Methodology
The authoress consider the difficulty of implementation of the right to peace on the examples of particular military conflicts in Africa and Middle East. She mainly bases on an available literature, acts of international law and case study. Therefore predominant research method appeared to be a critical analyse of literary sources and dogmatic and legal method. Alternatively she also uses the method of analysing the particular cases and empirical and statistical research method.
4. Conclusions
The authoress derives that the lack of respect for the right to peace threaten the peace which is the one of the rights of the third generation but at the same time the peace appears to be the preliminary crucial condition for the honouring and observing the rights of the first and second generation. She concludes the social and economical development and technological progress empowers using of modern weapon on a global scale and as a consequence, creates a brand new threats against the world peace. She reveals that it is crucial that highly developed countries should undertake decisive actions for help the poorer developed countries in their strive to resolve their economical, political and social crisis. She also emphasizes that the help leading to independency, stabilization, poverty and indigence elimination as well as cultural animosities and many other urgent problems is actually vital for the countries which are scene of fierce conflicts. It all proves ipso facto that unless the domestic military conflicts destroying increasingly even the whole communities, are solved, there consequently will disturb and even make impossible the promotions for the peace across the globe and this is the main reason why the activities for freedom and equality rights are still not possible to realize.
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human rights, the right to peace, peace, the generations
of human rights
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[accordion title=”DOI”] 10.24356/SEL/19/3 [/accordion]