Tadeusz Ambroży, Piotr Snopkowski, Dariusz Mucha, Łukasz Tota
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Krakowie

[accordion title=”ABSTRACT”]The aim of this paper is to describe the course of a sports fight in boxing, with account being taken of type and effectiveness of technical elements in different weight classes.
The research material consisted of a visual record of fight made during LXXXV Polish Seniors Boxing Championships in Kalisz.
The obtained results show that the greater number of punches was thrown in the third round, round house punches occurred most often and uppercuts were given the highest number of points. Points scored of lost as a result of fouls did not exert a significant influence on the final result. The majority of punches were thrown in the middle of the competition area in the form of a single attack, which argues for the need to provide tactical training to competitors (counterattack and combination practice). In case of defensive action, competitors defended themselves most often with their torso and legs, especially in lower weight classes. The course of fight implied the necessity to introduce a comprehensive motor and technical preparation of competitors participating in boxing fights.[/accordion]
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boxing, analysis of sports fight, coach supervision
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