Socio-ekonomické pozadie genézy hospodárskej sféry v Rakúsko- -Uhorsku na prelome 18. a 19. storočia

Peter Čajka
Juraj Kalický

[accordion title=”ABSTRACT”]The article is aimed at giving an insightful unique perspective on the birth and historical development of the Slovak economy and economic relations in the 18th and the beginning of 19th century as still being the part of the erstwhile Austro-Hungarian Empire. The main goal of the study is to point to the attempts for solution of existantial and fundamental social and economic country´s issues during the particular revolutionary periods and stages when being progressively incorporated into the modern European system of that time via the switch from the agricultural-craft character to a higher industrial economic level, simultaneously changing then conditions for further development of the Slovak national political movement and social development of the society within the respective region.[/accordion]
[accordion title=”ARTICLE INFO”]
social-economic backwardness, economic boost, national market, industrial infrastructure, conservative-liberal tendencies
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[accordion title=”DOI”] 10.24356/SEL/22/1 [/accordion]